461 vehicles for sale
Cars MUUsed cars in LalmatieMercedes-Benz for sale1966 Mercedes-Benz W101 Fintail
Price  Rs 150,000
Mercedes-Benz W101 Fintail
101 km mileage
Finance: Available
Mercedes benz W101 chassis type (Fintail) ,year 1966 .Project car to be completed. 2x engines.2x set of front and rear windscreen,2x gearbox.2x sets of seats,3x steering wheel and column.2x front and rear suspension complete with rear diff. Plus other parts. Call for more info.

Seller Information
Private Deal Mauritius
Private Deal
Lalmatie, Mauritius
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Cars MUUsed cars in LalmatieMercedes-Benz for sale1966 Mercedes-Benz W101 Fintail