485 vehicles for sale
Cars MUUsed cars in MahebourgToyota for saleUsed Corolla1992 Toyota Corolla EE100
Price  ฿ 0.03
Toyota Corolla EE100
360,000 km mileage
Central Locking
Power Steering
Electric Windows
Cloth Seats
AM/FM Radio
CD Player
Browsing History
More from Private Sellers

Seller Information
Private Deal Mauritius
Private Deal
Mahebourg, Mauritius
Always beware of fraud and do not pay for a vehicle before viewing it!
For more information please contact the seller directly by telephone or by completing the form below.
Vehicle owner \ seller Maryo Paul
Seller phone number(+230) 5 765 98 49

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For more information please contact the seller directly by telephone or by completing the form below.

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Cars MUUsed cars in MahebourgToyota for saleUsed Corolla1992 Toyota Corolla EE100